A History of Success

Successfully serving our clients’ marketing needs since 1999

  • Devonbrooke has always been a small business. The first 5 years were more active with a mix of Marketing Consulting work in the HVAC field and Promotional Product Sales to many industries.
  • Then, John Gay decided to accept an opportunity to work full-time in the Industrial Refrigeration field as a Marketing Manager. He worked in this capacity until early 2019. During that time, Devonbrooke Marketing continued as a part-time business. There was no active solicitation for this small volume of business but customers continued to come to me and I met their needs.
  • Today, is a different situation. I retired from my previous full-time position and am now growing Devonbrooke Marketing into a small business that can serve the needs of my many past business contacts as well as new acquaintances.
  • My goal is to provide needed promotional products at good prices from someone who can easily obtain their needs. I would like to be thought of as your “go-to” source for these items.
  • I am also available for help as a Marketing Consultant and provide various marketing services for Industrial Refrigeration and HVAC businesses.